Friday, May 17, 2013

Let's Go Another Round, Shall We?

So more bad news, and this time a bit more somber, too.

Somehow, at some point between Sunday at 9PM and Monday at 6AM, Stella did something that possibly broke or fractured one of her coccygeal vertebrae. I went to do chores and groom her Monday morning to find her unable to use her tail, extremely sensitive to any sort of touch (imagine how much pressure breathing on a horse's hide would create, and that's how little it takes) around her tailhead and posterior aspect of her haunches, and increasing swelling around her dock.

Honestly, I don't even know where to begin. I feel like I need to go to the UPS store, buy their entire supply of bubble wrap and create a padded enclosure for this mare. My only guess is that she reared up at some point and lost her balance, landing on her sacrum/tail head. It was very windy Sunday night and a little spooky for the horses, but when I left she was eating a more or less calm. However, I found out in the last couple days that both neighbors living on the property heard her squealing multiple times that night, and she is back in heat. That may have something to do with it, but I can't know for sure...

I had to clip the swollen area to apply the Surpass with any sort of effectiveness, but even with this crappy phone camera photo you can see how filled it is. So much as blow air that and you'd swear she had a fire under her belly, she's so reactive.

I've noticed since I discovered this that her tail head has started to take on a sunken appearance between her flanks, similar to how the flow of water carves out little stream beds in gravel driveways after a good, hard rain. She still isn't swishing her tail freely like I'd like to see, but she can lift it almost horizontally now when she postures to pee or pass manure. Unfortunately there isn't much to do except play the waiting game and hope it improves. Indications that I need the vet back out include if she starts to lose anal tone, starts to have severe atrophy on either flank or continues to have issues doing her business. So far it's been OK, but it doesn't stop the worried mom in me from wondering what the hell happened to begin with.

On top of all this, she CONTINUES to come into relentless heats. I gave her the first of 3 Depo shots before I found about the CL damage, and ceased them after because I figured if she was going to separated from everyone for 5 months anyway, I may as well save money where I can. However, just being able to touch noses over the fence is enough to get her squealing and being ridiculous. A friend of mine helped me put up another double line of fence in her already-tiny paddock, making it even smaller and so she can't touch noses with the other horses. I feel awful, because it's very much like a prison, and I'm sure she feels likewise, but until such a time as she chills out, I can't afford anymore heartache or vet bills.

W/ her Back on Track blanket. Apparently the hay is greener on the other side...

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