Saturday, February 16, 2013

We'll Be Back After This Quick Break

The Amazing K (AKA my awesome trainer) has been away in Texas for the past couple weeks, and the ground has been too ouchy for Miss S. So we've taken yet another winter-imposed break. But, she's fat, fuzzy and quite at peace with getting lots of grooming and pets.

So we'll be back soon with more updates, pictures and videos of the lovely lady. But I have to share this because A) I cannot stop laughing, and B) this is where Stella will eventually be when it comes to trailering. She loads slowly but surely but tends to be explosive when coming out. This, however, is both awesome horse training and fantastic entertainment.

I had tears coming down my face from laughter...the mini moving at warp speed finally did me in.


  1. The horse that runs AROUND the trailer before getting in... lmao.

    That is Merle.

  2. Yes, yes it is. Lol. "Bless her, she's special..."
